Here we have gathered all the information about our tests.
Tap on the test you want to know more about



A PCR test detects the presence of virus in the mucous membrane and is the safest way to assess whether there is an active viral infection. The test can not distinguish between infectious and non-infectious virus in the mucous membrane and can thus be positive up to about 3 weeks after a healed infection. If the test is positive, the rules are such that you are not allowed to travel.

A sampling stick with a cotton stopper is taken and inserted at the back of the nose to the posterior pharyngeal wall. There, the stick is rotated for about ten seconds against the mucous membrane. The sample is then sent to our accredited safety laboratory and analyzed. You will receive an answer the day after (Regular time) or the same day (Express time). The certificate is signed by our licensed doctor and provided with a QR code so that it can be verified online worldwide. The certificate cannot be forged. 


The result can be Negative or Positive - but there is also a small risk that the laboratory will receive a non-analyzable answer. The probability of this happening is less than 0.1%. If this happens, the laboratory runs the analysis - and with the same answer, you must retake the sample. If this happens, the new test is free of charge.


The certificate is issued in English and contains the signature and stamp of a licensed physician. It is provided with a QR code and can not be forged. Test results and Travel Certificates were sent out within 11-36 hours. The time depends on the type of service ordered (Regular or Express) and the time of day the test is taken. The absolute fastest test is Express (within 11 hours). The time when the test is taken is the time from which the validity period is calculated.



Fit to Fly is a simple health and functional examination that aims to investigate your need for assistance on the plane and whether your health condition makes it unsuitable for you to fly.
NOTE - this certificate is only required for special destinations - see swedenabroad.se for your destination. Parameters that are checked include the need for aids, mobility, blood pressure, heart, lungs, signs of infection, temp, etc. NB! For pregnant women from the age of 28, a special certificate is required from an obstetrician or midwife who proves an uncomplicated simplex pregnancy (not twins).

A Fit fo Fly certificate can usually be up to 2 weeks old. See swedenabroad.se for your destination.


The certificate answers whether you are "Fit to Fly" or "Not Fit to Fly". If you do NOT get an approved examination, it can be due to several reasons. For example, temperatures from 37.5C and up can signal a virus infection - in such a case, one should wait for recovery.
It may also be that you are in a wheelchair. In such a case, you must contact the airline to investigate the possibility of assistance.


The certificate is issued in English and signed and stamped by a doctor. It is provided with a validation code and cannot be forged.



An antibody test can show if you have had a previous coronavirus infection. The test is primarily designed to detect IgG - a so-called memory antibody that forms part of our immunity. If you have IgG, you have antibodies that are likely to last this season and can stay in risk groups according to the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendation.

The test is taken with a single stick in the finger. The blood is sucked up in a pipette and dropped into the test cassette together with reagent.

Our sampler will explain what your answer means to you.


Three lines can appear on the test - C-line (control line) which indicates that the test has been performed correctly. The IgM line (acute antibodies) and the IgG line (memory antibodies) 

  1. IgM negative, IgG negative - Indicates that there is no infection with Covid-19, or that there is not a high enough concentration of antibodies to produce a rash.
  2. IgM positive, IgG positive - Indicates an ongoing infection with Covid-19.
    See interpretation under point 4.
  3. IgM positive, IgG negative - Indicates an ongoing infection with Covid-19. A new test is recommended in 14 days to confirm the presence of IgG.
  4. IgM negative, IgG positive - Indicates a history of infection with Covid-19.

The test result must be interpreted together with your symptom picture in order to be able to give an overall assessment.
A more detailed description of the result is available on site.

Regardless of test results, it is of the utmost importance to follow the Public Health Agency's general advice and recommendations.

At present, it has not been determined what degree of protection a positive IgG response provides or how long a possible antibody protection lasts.

A positive response must not lead you to stop following the protective measures that the Public Health Agency recommends to reduce the spread of infection.


IgM and IgG Antibodies

Both IgM and IgG are immunoglobulins produced by the immune system to provide protection against 2019-nCoV. Some patients with negative results in nucleic acid tests show a positive IgM test, which indicates that IgG / IgM detection is one of the effective methods for diagnosing 2019-nCoV.

The level of IgM antibodies begins to rise about a week after the individual is infected, while IgG production starts later than IgM (usually about 14 days after infection) and can last for 6 months or even several years, which means that IgG acts as a indicator of previous infection. Patients suspected of being infected with 2019-nCoV can be quickly identified by simultaneous monitoring of IgM and IgG. During the outbreak period 2003-SARS and 2016-Zika, IgM / IgG antibody detection was used as one of the recommended diagnostic methods.

People with positive IgM should always be checked with a PCR test.

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